Powerful Weight Loss Solutions for Early, Middle, and Late Adopters

What does the innovation adoption curve have to do with your weight loss goals? Your approach to new ideas affects every area of your life. Design workouts and menus that fit your style whether you’re an early, middle, or late adopter.

Weight Loss Strategies for Early Adopters

As an early adopter, you’re eager to try everything new. You may sometimes wind up playing the guinea pig for passing fads. At the same time, you’re likely to be the first one in your circle to discover the next big thing and share it with your friends.

Shop for the latest devices and apps. You’re fascinated by technology. Check out the leading fitness apps. Wear a tracking device that will calculate everything from your blood pressure to your running speed.

Rotate your workouts. Sign up for online programs that give you a different exercise routine each day. Work with a trainer who appreciates your love of variety.

Try exotic dishes. Visit the grand opening of a local farmer’s market or vegan cafe. Experiment with recipes for low calorie Scandinavian cooking.

Invite others along. Tweet about your finds and post them on Pinterest. Let your friends benefit from your experiences.

Weight Loss Strategies for Middle Adopters

As a middle adopter, others look to you as a voice of moderation. You’re open to new ideas and yet you appreciate tradition. By reasoning things out, you often achieve the best of both worlds.

  1. Plan balanced meals. Use your powers of deliberation to lay out your eating plan ahead of time. Planning makes it easier to cover all of your nutritional needs as well as helping you to resist junk food.
  2. Build a home gym. You’re savvy enough to know which equipment is a good investment for you. Maybe you want a treadmill or a set of free weights.

Take group classes. You’re usually a good influence on others. Find an exercise buddy by joining a CrossFit program. See if there’s a club at your gym for single mothers or active seniors.

Share your opinions. You know how to make logical choices. When you present your reasons for eating less bacon, others may decide to join you.

Weight Loss Strategies for Late Adopters

As a late adopter, you’ve developed the wisdom to make up your own mind. You listen to experts and friends, but you’re less susceptible to advertising. Being selective with your time and money may cost you an opportunity, but it also protects you from being wasteful.

  1. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Celebrity diets come and go, but you can count on steamed broccoli. As long as you get most of your calories from produce, you’ll likely stay on track.

Cut down on processed foods. Eating whole foods is another basic. Keep baking your own bread and serving oatmeal for breakfast.

Practice yoga. One of the best programs for total wellbeing is about 5,000 years old. Working on your breath and holding your poses may be all you need to stay fit. On the other hand, golf or sailing may fulfill the same function in your life.

Take a walk. Walking remains one of the safest and most effective forms of exercise. You can do it anywhere without having to buy expensive equipment.

Listen to your heart. Consider what others have to say with an open mind. Your ability to resist impulse purchases sets a good example. On the other hand, maybe it would be fun to learn a new dance step.

Early, middle, and late adopters all make their own valuable contribution to the world. Use your personal strengths to reach your ideal weight while helping others do the same.