Functional Fitness…

Smarter Fitness Training

If you’re like most folks, you’ve tried a lot of different avenues when it comes to fitness.

You’ve likely joined a couple gyms in the past, maybe tried yoga classes, or even trained for a ½ marathon. We all want to be fit, to look and feel great, so we try out different methods, hoping that we find one that is fun, realistic, and most importantly, it delivers results.

A lot of time and money goes into this experiment, and oftentimes, we’re left feeling disappointed. We begin pondering questions like “Am I just not working hard enough?” or “Am I not working out long enough?” Frustrations rise, motivation dwindles, and all of the sudden, you feel like you’re back to square one.

Our Functional Fitness classes are the answer to the problem!

We’re here to change the way you see fitness & to get you the results you’re looking for!

Community Driven Results

Here’s a question for you…

Do you perform better at a task when you are (a) held accountable or (b) not held accountable?

It’s easy, right?! We are much more likely to perform well on a task where people are counting on us, where people care whether or not we succeed; that’s why the community at our gym matters as much as anything else. When you’ve got others around you, cheering you on to complete your workout, you’re going to work your butt off! And when you’ve got your friends and coaches waiting for you to show up, you’re going to find a way to make it to class!

Accountability is King, and there’s no better accountability than a team of guys and gals who want you to reach your goals.

How We Do It…

We Make It Fun

When you show up to the gym and do the same thing, day in and day out, you get bored! Variety is the spice of life, right? We keep our program varied so that every time you come to class, you’re doing something very different from your last session.

We Make It Realistic

We know that you don’t have the time to commit several hours of your week to exercise. With our emphasis on intensity, you’ll reach your goals by showing up (and working hard!) three or four times per week– that’s it!

We Deliver Results

Our program uses movements that are similar to those you use every day, making them not only safe, but highly effective. You’ll do things like deadlifts, running, and push-ups. You’ll learn Olympic Weightlifting to become more powerful. You’ll jump, squat, run, bike, row, push and pull! You’ll flip some tires, do some jump rope and pull a sled! When you combine all of these functional movements with high levels of intensity (which you’ll learn how to do), you get results!

Who Is This For?

Functional Fitness classes are for those that want to get fit and have fun in a group setting.

There are no prerequisites for joining Functional Fitness classes. You don’t need to be a certain age, a certain weight, or at a certain fitness level to join– everyone is welcome to be a part of this amazing group.

All you need to bring with you is a positive attitude, a eagerness to learn, and a willingness to work hard. We’ll take care of the rest!

Functional  Fitness

Functional Fitness is a workout program which consists of constantly varied movements and intensities. The 60 minute class starts with a briefing going over what you’ll be doing for that day, followed by a warm-up. Each day can vary so on some days you’ll be working on your Olympic Lifting while on others you’ll be doing a high intensity type workout… maybe some skills work too… and on other days a mixture of all of the above!


5 Stars
Best gym ever! I went from not exercising at all for over 10 years... to the best shape of my life! 


5 Stars
Best gym ever! I went from not exercising at all for over 10 years... to the best shape of my life! 


5 Stars
This is such an incredible offer! I've never lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit 
