Personal Training…

Customized Sessions

When you join one of our expert coaches for Personal Training, you’re signing up for completely customized fitness.

During your initial consultation, you’ll sit down with a coach and discuss all of your goals so that we can customize a plan just for you. Your tailored plan will have the kinds of workouts that are designed to help you reach your goals without wasting your time. If, for instance, you have a primary goal of building strength, we won’t pound you with cardiovascular endurance workouts; we’ll make sure we are working on what matters to you most.

Once we complete the initial consultation, your coach will come up with an overall strategy based on your goals and the number of sessions you’d like to do per week. In your first session, your coach will share the strategy with you, and show you how he/she is going to help you get to where you want to go.

You’ll also have access to your coach throughout the week if you have questions or concerns. With the Personal Training Program, you can just show up and trust that we’ve got your back. (And your legs, arms, and abs, too!) 

Fast Results

A completely customized training program means that there’s no time wasted and no unnecessary movements; and what does that kind of specificity elicit? FAST RESULTS! When you have a program that is made only for you and designed to reach your specific goals, you get to where you want to go a lot faster.

And with our top-tier coaches, you’re sure not only to get an effective workout, but a safe one, too. We’ll be right next to you the whole session, helping you work hard, keep proper form, and stay motivated.

Who Is Personal Training For?

Group training is not for everyone.

Some folks have very difficult and varying schedules, and the group class schedule just doesn’t work.

Some have goals of competing at a higher level, or have sport-specific needs, and the customization of our Personal Training Program is what they need to succeed.

Some sign up for Personal Training because they are overcoming an injury, and need the one-on-one attention to help rebuild and get strong without aggravating the injured area.

And for some, one-on-one is just a better fit. The group can be an intimidating place to begin, and Personal Training can be a more comfortable place for beginners to thrive.

Our Personal Training Program is designed for anyone who wants more one-on-one attention, who wants a program that is specifically for them. And if you want a hybrid option, you can bring up to two other people along for your sessions! Then you get the best of both worlds: the energy from the group, and the personal attention from your coach.

Personal Training

You can book a 1 on 1 or smaller groups of 2-4 persons. Ask us for your individual program and personal goals.


5 Stars
Best gym ever! I went from not exercising at all for over 10 years... to the best shape of my life! 


5 Stars
Best gym ever! I went from not exercising at all for over 10 years... to the best shape of my life! 


5 Stars
This is such an incredible offer! I've never lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit 
